Before I left my dad put together a tool box for me "just in case i needed them" he says. I can not tell you how many time i have opened this box o tool treasures!!!! SERIOUSLY i would be lost at times with out it. I can't show what is in it but i will show the magic it does......
My latest need for it's magical powers is when my landlord finally got us a lawn mower .....
Now....some would be very disappointed to get a lawnmower like this....I could not be happier!!!! I love these kind...we had one in Flag, Jess and Sara may still have it. No gas to worry about, no pull cord which at time i think he-man himself is the only one strong enough to pull those thins hard enough anyhow these push mowers are just my speed! The mower once looked like this
Let the mowing begin!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to show your dad. HE will be so PROUD!!!!! You have a lot of his mechanical abilities! Way to go!!!
That is great!
and we DO still have that mower -It is my favorite too!!! So easy!
You go girl! Ah, my little Hercules!
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